Sunday, May 3, 2009

My Labour Day

Had quite a good labour day holiday recently. I actually took the day before off so that I could have a super duper long weekend. Pity that it is on the brink of ending. Anyway, I went over to my sis' place to stay for 2 nights. It was pretty cool. We watched vcds, chatted, went out for supper,...... It's been a long time since I had the luxury to do such things. It actually felt a little strange on my first morning there cos it was a day without much agenda. I did not quite know what I was going to do and had a fair bit of free time on my hands. That felt good. Think I gotta do this more often man.

I enjoy talking to my sis a lot. It's nice to be able to talk about a lot of things and agree on them. I was joking with her that probably me and her were the ones who were picked up from the trash bins cos we both shared philosophies which were quite different from our parents and brother. We used to have this joke that I was the one who was picked up from the trash bin cos my sister never really saw my mum with a big tummy like a pregnant woman and one day my mum just came home with me. Frankly, even if it were true, I couldn't care less now. In fact, it would be nice if my 'original parents' are super rich and one day I get taken back into their family. :) Well, it doesn't hurt to use my imagination once in a while right?

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