Saturday, May 9, 2009

Relaxing day

Thank God for today. A day without much of an agenda, rush or stress. God, I yearn for more of such days. It's been a tough week at work man. Had some stuff gone wrong that caused a fair bit of stress within me. Usually I seldom get overly stressed but I sort of lost it especially during the past 2 days. It's one of those things that would happen sooner or later. Anyway, since it's pretty much over, don't wanna talk bout it......

Went to the gym today, then I went to my dad's place to do some packing for him. That was all! Wow, such a day is rare, really rare. Watched some vcds and managed to practice my dizi as well. This should be the way life is. Think I really should not squeeze too much stuff in a day. Practical wisdom. :)

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