Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Hmmm, managed to find a little spare time to blog this morning. Don't quite kow where to start though. Seem to have a lot of stuff on my mind right now.

Was watching some music videos posted by a student of Berklee in Boston. His name is AJ. I was really impressed with his musical talent. The way he plays the piano. The intricacies that he looks into. Again it started to make me question about what I am doing right now to raise my music abilities. I have slipped into the status quo attitude for my music and I find it difficult to rise above it. Same for my walk before God. I just don't wanna 'rock the boat' so to say. God I need help. The scary part of it is that I know that if I do not start doing anything different from now, next year and the years to come will remain the same. But some how I can't push my flesh beyond what it is now......

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