Sunday, April 5, 2009

Proud of myself: Confession

I am so proud of myself. Came back home earlier today. Managed to practice my dizi, keyboard, and my sax as well. Its been so long since I last touched my sax. Really rusty man. Hmmm, felt like the good old days when I had hours to practice my instruments. I used to dream having so much money that I could stop work and spend my time learning all my instruments. That would be heaven...... Now I just need to push myself enough to start on my guitar. Been slacking in it for a long time as well.
Enjoyed my first dizi class on thursday. Surprisingly, it was easier than I thought. I went thinking that it would probably take me some time to make my first sound on my dizi. But the sound came out almost instantly. Guess my sax background helped somewhat. But I was a little shocked at my instructor though. I don't know where I got the idea but I just thought that he would be a decent looking person, prim and proper. But it turned out that he had golden long hair! What a contrast! Anyway he was quite patient with me so I suppose that's okay then. I was a little concerned that I might have a challenge trying to pick up the instrument and that if my instructor was fierce, that would be the end. Still remember when I took my sax class. I probably heard the word 'no' during my class more than I ever did in my lifetime! So I dreaded my classes. As soon as I had grasped the basics, I stopped classes. So thank God this instructor is more patient. :) Well, hopefully I can pick up the instrument quickly. Would love to start playing it for the chinese worship. Shiok man.

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