Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter sunday

Hmmm, not feeling too well emotionally today man. Think I am feeling lonely. On the way back from gym, I was pouring my heart out to God. Was complaining bout how I seem to have lost some friends ever since they got attached. Sigh, don't wanna go that direction again. Anyway, the bible says that my God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. If its a friend I need, its a friend He'll supply. :) Actually, I am also contemplating on whether its time for me to move on to another church. Don't seem to be able to contribute much to Petra anymore. The youth ministry does not seem to need me and the worship team does not seem to need me. Hmmm, gotta seek God man. Cannot make decisions when I am in the midst of emotional upheavel. God I need wisdom.

When I was in the gym just now, I was watching the news bout the mess in Thailand. In the midst of it I was pondering to myself how come people can be so free to go about doing all these protests and causing such stir and unrest among everyone. Then I was reminded about Maslow's hierarchy of needs which lists physiological as well as safety needs right at the bottom of the list. When these people (Thais) are placed in the hierarchy, they are at or near the bottom. For most of us here, we would be placed on the top or near it because ours would be more of the emotional needs that we are after. Then I realised how blessed we are that we do not even need to worry or be concerned bout the safety needs and our physiological needs are very much taken care off as well. That's why we got the time and energy to go for the 'higher' needs. Many a time, people in poor countries have to contend with even the most basic need of survival while people like us have pretty decent governance and thus we do not even consider such need and we move on to 'higher' needs like our emotional well-being, self-esteem, etc. How blessed we are. Thank God......


  1. yah.. guess its normal to feel this way when we are single.. learning to share their joy though.. got 3 weddings this year!!

    leaving church... I feel like leaving mine too.. but somehow i felt that's not what God wants me to do.. i'm just trying to run away from someone actually.. hahah..

    self-deception.. Hai~~~ understand how you feel..

  2. but i like what you say. God can supply all our needs!!!! Not looking forward to school.. feel like crying.. but i felt this is what God wants me to do.. I hate to study.. sianz... but indeed His grace would be sufficient.. yes
