Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How I blew my love life 3: Damage Control

We met at City Hall Mrt that evening. Then we proceeded to Curry Flavor for dinner. We had a casual chat during the course of the dinner. We talked bout church and ministry at first. Can't recall whether I felt anything at that point of time. After we finished and the plates were cleared, then came judgement! Nay, it was not that serious. We started to talk bout the more "serious" stuff. She felt that we had very different views of what a relationship was. She also mentioned bout how infrequently I called her on the phone. Then came my part. Actually there wasn't very much I said, if I remembered correctly. Think I asked her to give me more time and cut me more slack. I was not one (still not one presently) who chats a lot over the phone. In fact I always had a phobia of chatting on the phone and coming to the part when there was nothing else to talk about. The awkward silence over the line always got to me. So I tend to avoid talking to others over the phone and always preferred to sms or talk face to face. I explained that to her and then the dramatic part came. I can't remember what I said but I started to tear as I spoke to her. Wah, so drama. Started to show the emotional side of me. Good thing I am not too given to bawling or that night would have really been a sight to behold. But thinking back its kind of funny. Imagine a pretty girl and a guy siting facing each other at the table and the guy starts to cry as he speaks to her. Good thing there aren't many people there that night.

Still remember the night after that when I was talking with my sis. We had our worship practice and we drove to some place to wait for my brother in law. I rememer telling my sis bout the super quick damage control I had to do the night prior. I also remember telling my sis bout how I should be thankful for my life. I got the girl whom I wanted for so long, got a good job, etc.

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