Thursday, April 2, 2009

Pace of life

Hmmm, seems that its not that easy trying to kick start the habit of blogging again. Usually blog when I know that I have a long stretch of free time so that I can take my own sweet time. But that does not seem to happen. I do not seem to have long stretches of free time. If I do, I happen not to be in the mood to blog. Life sucks. Feel like I have been packing my schedule up to the brim to the extent that I feel stressed trying to get things done. Like yesterday, I tried to pack my usual day of work with gymming, running errands and meeting friends to try costume. So I found myself rushing from place to place and not fully enjoying the process of it. Did not enjoy my gym cos I was rushing through it. Did not enjoy buying my dizi cos I was frantically trying to find the 'ulu' shop in a 'ulu' place. Was rushing my way to the costume place cos I was afraid of being late (which I ended being early). Thankfully, my pace of life slowed after we started to try the costumes. Am attending my company D&D late April and the theme is "heros and villains". So my enthus bunch of colleagues decided to go to check out the costumes available. I tried 'Jack Sparrow' which was pretty cool but too elaborate for me. Then I tried 'Peter Pan' which I ended up booking cos it was simple yet nice to me. Hmmm, don't think I should do this kind of schedule too often. Don't wanna die of stress man!

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