Work: I will enjoy work to the best of my ability. "Work" is not a vulgar word. It is an expression of my gifts, talents and dominion on this earth.
Do my best to implement the step down care into the eye clinic system. I will be going to London in March for this purpose.
Pick up orthoptics.
Read up and refresh myself in ocular pathology.
Learn to make use of the free time to do constructive stuff.
I will confine work related stuff to working hours and never bring work home.
Have a better attitude towards my patients no matter what their attitudes are toward me.
Answer the patients' relatives when they ask me questions.
Offer seats to the patients' relatives.
Do my best for JCI.
Set up a template for a presentation in myopia control so that I can do talks about it. I will start with the club first. I will start by reading up on myopia and astigmatism. Also I will read up on the various attempts on myopia control on the market now.
Aim towards a body like the one below.
Okay I realise I still have a long way to go but everyone's gotta start somewhere.
Learn and master swimming freestyle.
Spend more time with the people who really matter. No point trying to build new relationships while forsaking the old ones, the ones who have been around all the time.
Get into a spiritual discipline of spending time with God in worship and word everyday, regardless of how I feel and whether it is a Sunday or not.
Worship songs- To take a worship song and really break it down to learn it in keyboard, guitar and singing. To note the various rhythms to play them in and how to build the dynamics. To note how to sing them and where to emphasize on.
Slowly but steadily creep back into guitar and keyboard worship for service. Think I'll start with guitar first. Seems more hopeful. ;)
Music: I will commit at least 4 evenings per week to the practice of my music.
I can't believe how much material I have gathered through these years that are siting on the shelf!
Sight Reading
Jazz improvisation
Hand coordination
BM. To familiarize and drill the rhythms into my mind, training with a metronome.
Learn and master guitar. To go through the course and finish it by 6 months.
BM. To familiarize and drill the rhythms into my mind, training with a metronome.
finish the entire course of singing success within the year. That will lay a strong foundation in my vocal ability as well as equip me with the workings of SLS.
KIV take up speech level singing certification.
Maintain my skills in massage therapy and refresh myself in the area of Aromatherapy. To go through the common essential oils and their uses and properties.
I will start with the following: 1) Basil 2) Bergamot 3) Black Pepper 4) Cypress 5) Eucalyptus 6) Frankincense 7) Citronella 8) Lemon 9) Orange Bitter 10) Pine Needle 11) Spearmint 12) Peppermint 13) Lime 14) Grapefruit 15) Ginger 16) Black Pepper 17) Rosewood 18) Sweet Marjoram 19) Lavender 20) Rosemary. Okay that's a mouthful!
I will recall and remember the Aromatherapy massage sequence.
To be proactive and do things without putting them off if it is possible to accomplish them quickly.
To match myself against myself and not to others. We all have different roads to walk so it is no longer comparing apples to apples.