I guess it's starting to dawn on me even more that I am thinking too much. The dinner with dad turned out pretty alright! I suppose it was partly because auntie (dad's present wife) turned up. Haven't seen her for the longest time. We had a really good chat. This time the conversation was more interesting than the typical topics like rising coes and property prices dad and I would talk about. It was about PRCs and the effects they have on our countries.
So the dinner was better than what I expected except for the price I paid for it. But well, anything to get it over and done with...... :(

Monday, March 26, 2012
Ministering In Phuket!
A door of oppurtunity has opened for me to minister in the Island of Phuket. A buddy of mine who managed to link up with a Pastor there has been invited to bring a team there to minister. So, I volunteered myself to go teach there. Whoopie! I have preached a couple of times before sporadically. But I have a feeling this one will be quite different from the previous ones I have done before. So let's see what happens......
There ain't many things I dread in life. However, tonight I'll be doing one of those things: spending time with daddy dearest. Thanks to my worship director, I had a boost of motivation to meet up with dad. I had the intention to push it back as far as I possibly could until the day I spent considerable time chatting with my 'boss'. So, here it is. Tonight's the night. On top of that, dad called last night to ask for my address as well as my I.C. number. That got me even more worried. I guess I'll find out what all that is about tonight. God grant me the strength and grace to be able to go through the dinner with him. Crap! With all the unexplainable stress I go through, I wonder sometimes why I even bother to put myself through this. It's all for you Lord......
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Bad Mood Day
Yap it's one of those days. Thought I'd just let it all out here. It's been a really tough day today. Emotionally, I am so weary from all the frustrations going on inside. I guess it started from last night. Was at the wake of a church friend. While the Pastor was saying her opening prayer, I heard something like a piece of plastic sheet rubbing against something. When I opened my eyes, I realised it was a fellow church acquaintance (note my choice of words) trying to remove the straw of a packet drink from it's wrapper. I suppose the noise of it eluded that person but in that quiet room there were only two sounds audible: one was the Pastor's voice and the other was the plastic wrapper. You can imagine my disgust when I realised who was causing the din. It never fails to amuse me how people can be so insensitive to their surroundings. Seriously, that acquaintance irks me no end. I had to repent cos I seldom have such disgust and despise toward anyone. God had made me publicly apologised to that person once for looking down on that person and at the rate I was going, another public apology was on the way.......
Then there was today. Today's worship practice was a flop for me. For one, the drummer had issue with his playing and he was constantly corrected by my brother. Pity him though. Then there was my playing, on the keyboard. I was so glad when the worship leader, who is a personal friend prepared her songlist almost one week earlier so that I could have sufficient time to practice. I worked hard at it, preparing for the intricate details, listening to the songs over and over again to prepare them. Then today I could not reproduce most of what I practiced. I had to simplify my playing and most of the prepared stuff had to be removed. It was mixed feelings for me cos as much as I took time to prepare them, I had a problem trying to play them when under stress. So to a certain extent it was a relief but I felt it did not do the worship leader justice since she bothered to make sure I was comfortable by sending me the songs early. So I was quite disappointed with myself. Even after much practice, what I could play was miserable. I hated the feeling. I really wanted to quit......
Then there were my 2 nephews whom my brother wanted to tag along with me as I joined the worship leader and her hubby for lunch. We then went to Sushi Tei for lunch. I was so uncomfortable with the 2 brats coming along. Of course, they showed no mercy in ordering their food, since they were sure they were not the ones paying for it. Both wanted salmon roe and other stuff to go along with it. I doubted if the younger knew what it was but he insisted so I went along. But I threatened him that if he did not finish what he ordered I would spank him. Then the older one started to laugh at him and as a result he got a warning as well. Thankfully they both finished the food so I did not have to do what I promised to. In the end I paid for their lunch. Personally I would not even order such stuff for myself and yet I was at the mercy of the 2 brats. Sigh. Then one of them was actually rude to my friend. I shall not go into details before I end up really spanking him tomorrow at church. I realised the 2 of them really bring out the worst in me. During lunch I caught myself telling the older one to "just shut up and eat". So I know at least 3 people in my life who can bring out the 'devil' in me.
Since I have complained so much I suppose I might as well finish all that's on my heart. I paid a visit to a new TCM physician yesterday for my stomach issues. The conclusion was that I was stressed and I was thinking too much. The thinking too much part I fully agree. My sis has been telling me that for the longest time. What was scary was the stressed part. I figured I should have reduced my stress a fair bit of late but apparently it wasn't enough. Great! But then again with such people in my life, I guess it's legitimate to be stressed. Only problem is that I am experiencing the symptoms while they go scot-free! God I really need help man. :(
Then there was today. Today's worship practice was a flop for me. For one, the drummer had issue with his playing and he was constantly corrected by my brother. Pity him though. Then there was my playing, on the keyboard. I was so glad when the worship leader, who is a personal friend prepared her songlist almost one week earlier so that I could have sufficient time to practice. I worked hard at it, preparing for the intricate details, listening to the songs over and over again to prepare them. Then today I could not reproduce most of what I practiced. I had to simplify my playing and most of the prepared stuff had to be removed. It was mixed feelings for me cos as much as I took time to prepare them, I had a problem trying to play them when under stress. So to a certain extent it was a relief but I felt it did not do the worship leader justice since she bothered to make sure I was comfortable by sending me the songs early. So I was quite disappointed with myself. Even after much practice, what I could play was miserable. I hated the feeling. I really wanted to quit......
Then there were my 2 nephews whom my brother wanted to tag along with me as I joined the worship leader and her hubby for lunch. We then went to Sushi Tei for lunch. I was so uncomfortable with the 2 brats coming along. Of course, they showed no mercy in ordering their food, since they were sure they were not the ones paying for it. Both wanted salmon roe and other stuff to go along with it. I doubted if the younger knew what it was but he insisted so I went along. But I threatened him that if he did not finish what he ordered I would spank him. Then the older one started to laugh at him and as a result he got a warning as well. Thankfully they both finished the food so I did not have to do what I promised to. In the end I paid for their lunch. Personally I would not even order such stuff for myself and yet I was at the mercy of the 2 brats. Sigh. Then one of them was actually rude to my friend. I shall not go into details before I end up really spanking him tomorrow at church. I realised the 2 of them really bring out the worst in me. During lunch I caught myself telling the older one to "just shut up and eat". So I know at least 3 people in my life who can bring out the 'devil' in me.
Since I have complained so much I suppose I might as well finish all that's on my heart. I paid a visit to a new TCM physician yesterday for my stomach issues. The conclusion was that I was stressed and I was thinking too much. The thinking too much part I fully agree. My sis has been telling me that for the longest time. What was scary was the stressed part. I figured I should have reduced my stress a fair bit of late but apparently it wasn't enough. Great! But then again with such people in my life, I guess it's legitimate to be stressed. Only problem is that I am experiencing the symptoms while they go scot-free! God I really need help man. :(
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Grace Doctrine
So the anger of the LORD burned against them and He departed. But when the cloud had withdrawn from over the tent, behold, Miriam was leprous, as white as snow. As Aaron turned toward Miriam, behold, she was leprous. - Numbers 12:9,10
I was listening to Joyce Meyer quote this verse yesterday on my way to work. She was talking about people who speak against God's anointed. In this context Miriam and Aaron had spoken against Moses about his choice of marriage partner. As I heard it, the first thought that came to mind was "we are under grace, we will not suffer the same fate as Miriam did." While that is true I realised I missed the point of the lesson. Yes, God does forgive the person who does it and Jesus had borne our sins and punishment as well. But if God is the same yesterday, today and forever, this attitude still irritates the socks out of Him. And I realised a flaw I have, coming out of the grace teaching many years back.
I seem to be more focused on myself rather than Jesus, who is grace personified. Whenever I come across passages which entail discipline for wrong attitudes and actions, my first reaction would usually be that Jesus had taken the bad stuff upon Himself so it will not happen to me. So in the end it really points to me and my well-being rather than the lesson put forth. I will assume I am the only person who has such a problem. ;)
Some will argue that it is the embrace of the grace doctrine that leads to such issues. I will put forth my two cents worth: It is the embrace of ONLY the grace doctrine while discounting others that leads to issues. Often, I notice that people who embrace the grace doctrine and only the grace doctrine seem to go way off in life. They mouth slogans often but their lives don't seem to mirror their slogans. They can be downright irresponsible in their actions but yet use grace as their excuse for it. I find it amusing how some can talk so much about grace as if there is nothing else in the bible. If the grace doctrine was the ONLY doctrine around as some seem to make it out to be, the bible should be just a few pages thick since it will then only contain the verses about grace......
I was listening to Joyce Meyer quote this verse yesterday on my way to work. She was talking about people who speak against God's anointed. In this context Miriam and Aaron had spoken against Moses about his choice of marriage partner. As I heard it, the first thought that came to mind was "we are under grace, we will not suffer the same fate as Miriam did." While that is true I realised I missed the point of the lesson. Yes, God does forgive the person who does it and Jesus had borne our sins and punishment as well. But if God is the same yesterday, today and forever, this attitude still irritates the socks out of Him. And I realised a flaw I have, coming out of the grace teaching many years back.
I seem to be more focused on myself rather than Jesus, who is grace personified. Whenever I come across passages which entail discipline for wrong attitudes and actions, my first reaction would usually be that Jesus had taken the bad stuff upon Himself so it will not happen to me. So in the end it really points to me and my well-being rather than the lesson put forth. I will assume I am the only person who has such a problem. ;)
Some will argue that it is the embrace of the grace doctrine that leads to such issues. I will put forth my two cents worth: It is the embrace of ONLY the grace doctrine while discounting others that leads to issues. Often, I notice that people who embrace the grace doctrine and only the grace doctrine seem to go way off in life. They mouth slogans often but their lives don't seem to mirror their slogans. They can be downright irresponsible in their actions but yet use grace as their excuse for it. I find it amusing how some can talk so much about grace as if there is nothing else in the bible. If the grace doctrine was the ONLY doctrine around as some seem to make it out to be, the bible should be just a few pages thick since it will then only contain the verses about grace......
Monday, March 19, 2012
Great Weekend
It was a pretty eventful weekend. Other than the conference I attended, I managed to spend considerable time talking to my worship director. It really felt great to have a heart to heart chat with him, which is a first after knowing him for like 5 years at least. It's really funny cos there's been this something between us such that I really want to open up my life to him and yet there's this fear of him that's hard to describe. Anyway, just glad I managed to get a load of things off my chest during our chat. Looking forward to a closer friendship. Yipeee!
I was kind of concerned about being back at work after five days of rest from work. I have taken longer breaks before but I usually look forward to returning to work. But not this time. Hmmmm, is this a sign? Anyway, I am really glad work was pretty ok today. Thank you Lord......
Friday, March 16, 2012
I thought I would get energized from attending the conference over the past 3 days but it seems like I am more tired than normal. I guess I was hoping to get more rest since I have not been working for the past 3 days but unfortunately that did not happen. For one, I was still waking up at the same time I would for work. Then, even though I sleep about the same time, I feel more tired during the day. What's wrong? Withdrawal symptoms?
The conference was quite ok. I cried a fair bit as usual. Should have stayed for the night meetings but I gave it a miss cos I did not want to join the evening crowd to go home. Yap I know. Lame. There were lots of healings and impartations as well. This was the first time I might have come close to seeing the scene in the gospel when people were trying to touch Jesus in order to get healed. Bill Johnson was going around laying hands on people to impart the anointing to them. And there were people literally squeezing and stretching their hand out in the hope that Bill would notice and touch them. It felt kind of funny to see them on the projection screen.
To be frank I was mildly disgusted at first, seeing the scene on the screen. Then I changed my attitude when I saw my Pastor on the screen as well. I knew I wanted Bill's anointing when it came to teaching the bible but for me to be up there trying to get a touch from Bill really seemed embarrassing to say the least. I guess you could equate the scene to some ladies trying their best to squeeze through a crowd and grab that last item on sale. So in order to save my dignity I gave it a miss. I know again. Lame. Possibly stupid. Guess I was not as hungry compared to the others. Will be giving tomorrow a miss cos of worship meeting and practice. Sigh.
The conference was quite ok. I cried a fair bit as usual. Should have stayed for the night meetings but I gave it a miss cos I did not want to join the evening crowd to go home. Yap I know. Lame. There were lots of healings and impartations as well. This was the first time I might have come close to seeing the scene in the gospel when people were trying to touch Jesus in order to get healed. Bill Johnson was going around laying hands on people to impart the anointing to them. And there were people literally squeezing and stretching their hand out in the hope that Bill would notice and touch them. It felt kind of funny to see them on the projection screen.
To be frank I was mildly disgusted at first, seeing the scene on the screen. Then I changed my attitude when I saw my Pastor on the screen as well. I knew I wanted Bill's anointing when it came to teaching the bible but for me to be up there trying to get a touch from Bill really seemed embarrassing to say the least. I guess you could equate the scene to some ladies trying their best to squeeze through a crowd and grab that last item on sale. So in order to save my dignity I gave it a miss. I know again. Lame. Possibly stupid. Guess I was not as hungry compared to the others. Will be giving tomorrow a miss cos of worship meeting and practice. Sigh.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Ministering To Others
I found myself in an awkward place this evening as I was about to leave the conference. As I walked towards the exit of the hall I saw a man standing around some seats looking about. I noticed one of his eye looked whitish where it was supposed to be black. So I just supposed it to be a blind eye not thinking too much about it since I see this kind of condition every now and then in the clinic. I also noticed the white cane near him so I figured it must be somewhat like that. Next thing I know, a thought come to mind. "He will not walk away from the conference disappointed". Before long I suspected it might just be a word for him. Then I started panicking. What if I was wrong? What if it was just me? I wanted to walk away quickly and exit the hall but I found myself walking towards him. Oh no!
I stood in front of him and said hi. Told him I did not know him but I felt God wanted to tell him he would not walk away from the conference disappointed. I wanted to leave but he proceeded to ask me to pray for him. Even though it seemed obvious what he wanted prayer for, I asked him what he wanted me to pray for him regarding. I had just learned in the conference we should ask them what they need prayer for cos the apparent need may not be the need they have on their mind. How true! He seemed reluctant at first but he started to open up to me. He told me he was a leader in a certain church who had lost one eye due to a certain disease couple of years ago. He then told me the issue he wanted prayer for was the divorce he was facing cos his wife did not want to live with a blind man.
Great! I just wanted to release a word then I end up praying for a man facing a divorce because of a blind eye! Anyway, I prayed for him and then I started feeling compassion for him. I ended up the one tearing! What came after the prayer was the shocker so to say. He told me he was asking the Lord for someone to encourage him with a word and he did not expect it to be so fast. Wow! I really heard GOD! I walked away awed to say the least, that God would use me to minister to someone. Praise God......
I stood in front of him and said hi. Told him I did not know him but I felt God wanted to tell him he would not walk away from the conference disappointed. I wanted to leave but he proceeded to ask me to pray for him. Even though it seemed obvious what he wanted prayer for, I asked him what he wanted me to pray for him regarding. I had just learned in the conference we should ask them what they need prayer for cos the apparent need may not be the need they have on their mind. How true! He seemed reluctant at first but he started to open up to me. He told me he was a leader in a certain church who had lost one eye due to a certain disease couple of years ago. He then told me the issue he wanted prayer for was the divorce he was facing cos his wife did not want to live with a blind man.
Great! I just wanted to release a word then I end up praying for a man facing a divorce because of a blind eye! Anyway, I prayed for him and then I started feeling compassion for him. I ended up the one tearing! What came after the prayer was the shocker so to say. He told me he was asking the Lord for someone to encourage him with a word and he did not expect it to be so fast. Wow! I really heard GOD! I walked away awed to say the least, that God would use me to minister to someone. Praise God......
Monday, March 12, 2012
I found myself in a scary place this morning. Was contemplating about a plan I am to execute during my absence from work during the third quater of the year. Prior to that, I was thinking about what God seems to be doing on the face of the Earth now and frankly that gave me the jitters. As much as I am aware I have been purposed for a time as this, I feel awfully inadequate to be all He wants me to be and to do all He wants me to do. Even the thought that He would supply all I need to fulfill His call was not much of a consolation. Then came the thought of giving up my plan in order to devote my time more fully to spiritual stuff. That was another stumbling block to me. Yes, I may not have been consistent in my pursuit of the plan but it's really one thing I desire to fulfill. So the thought of giving it up really added to my "sorrow". For now there's no clear yes or no from God but I guess I am appealing to His compassionate side. :) Let's wait and see......
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Service Today
I left today's service with a flurry of thoughts. It was like revelation Sunday for me today. I suppose it's been a while since God put so much in my heart in one morning alone. The ironic thing was that I just blew it in regards to some issues in my life and I least expected the revelations to come. Seems like my philosophy of God has been radically changing of late. Guess it's a good thing?
It started with awesome mandarin worship. I usually find it a challenge to worship God in church since my mind usually gets absorbed with how the music goes. The little nuances seem to bother me or rather distract me from concentrating on God. But the worship was great at least till the pastor took over. Not too sure how the story goes but he came on stage to lead a song and he pretty much flopped. Somehow I have this feeling he just does not know the song at all. Thankfully, I was pretty much done by that time.
A fellow brother whom I respect very much in the faith walked past me during worship and sort of jolted me a little. When I saw him, I suddenly remembered how a couple of years ago (if I remember my facts correctly) he had to go through a major heart surgery. Then I felt God put in my heart that he is supposed to be doubly healthy. For one, the bible promises God's healing and removal of our diseases for every believer. Then there is another promise in Exodus 23:25 God promised He would personally remove sicknesses from anyone who serves Him. So from that God revealed that he, being a faithful server as a missionary has double health. What God then showed me was even more cool. Basically, aging is a form of disease and that's the reason why God promises a renewal of youth: A removal or reversal of the disease of aging. I was appalled by that. I know for sure the changes in my well being from my twenties to my thirties have definitely been obvious. And now, I can start trusting God to heal my body from aging. Woopie!!!!
So at the end of the service, I went to pray for the brother. So glad I did. Next was during English worship when God started to put in my heart thoughts about me living life without guilt and shame because at any point I am feeling and entertaining the guilt and shame I am basically kicking God out of my consciousness. That was another revelation. Having been through all I have been through and yet not giving my challenges any time of the day was a radical thought.
Then during the sermon my pastor was talking about restoration, time warps and so forth. The time warp part especially got my attention. I really need to sit on this for some time to milk it but basically pastor made references to events in the bible when time was warped in order to let God's purpose come to past. Examples would include Joshua commanding the sun to stand still, Elijah running ahead of Ahab, Philip's translation, the reaper overtaking the sower and some others. The best part was when he spoke about God restoring to us the years the locust have eaten. That was very encouraging since I am well aware of many things I have wasted in life. Time, money and energy just to name a few. So this was really speaking to me.
Can't believe so much info has been put into my heart in one morning alone. I really am awed by God and what He does......
It started with awesome mandarin worship. I usually find it a challenge to worship God in church since my mind usually gets absorbed with how the music goes. The little nuances seem to bother me or rather distract me from concentrating on God. But the worship was great at least till the pastor took over. Not too sure how the story goes but he came on stage to lead a song and he pretty much flopped. Somehow I have this feeling he just does not know the song at all. Thankfully, I was pretty much done by that time.
A fellow brother whom I respect very much in the faith walked past me during worship and sort of jolted me a little. When I saw him, I suddenly remembered how a couple of years ago (if I remember my facts correctly) he had to go through a major heart surgery. Then I felt God put in my heart that he is supposed to be doubly healthy. For one, the bible promises God's healing and removal of our diseases for every believer. Then there is another promise in Exodus 23:25 God promised He would personally remove sicknesses from anyone who serves Him. So from that God revealed that he, being a faithful server as a missionary has double health. What God then showed me was even more cool. Basically, aging is a form of disease and that's the reason why God promises a renewal of youth: A removal or reversal of the disease of aging. I was appalled by that. I know for sure the changes in my well being from my twenties to my thirties have definitely been obvious. And now, I can start trusting God to heal my body from aging. Woopie!!!!
So at the end of the service, I went to pray for the brother. So glad I did. Next was during English worship when God started to put in my heart thoughts about me living life without guilt and shame because at any point I am feeling and entertaining the guilt and shame I am basically kicking God out of my consciousness. That was another revelation. Having been through all I have been through and yet not giving my challenges any time of the day was a radical thought.
Then during the sermon my pastor was talking about restoration, time warps and so forth. The time warp part especially got my attention. I really need to sit on this for some time to milk it but basically pastor made references to events in the bible when time was warped in order to let God's purpose come to past. Examples would include Joshua commanding the sun to stand still, Elijah running ahead of Ahab, Philip's translation, the reaper overtaking the sower and some others. The best part was when he spoke about God restoring to us the years the locust have eaten. That was very encouraging since I am well aware of many things I have wasted in life. Time, money and energy just to name a few. So this was really speaking to me.
Can't believe so much info has been put into my heart in one morning alone. I really am awed by God and what He does......
Nice Song
Seems like one of those nights. This song came to mind just before I fell asleep. Now that I am up, thought that I would check it out. Nope, it's not because I am emo or anything near it. Somehow I am glad I am able to enjoy this song for it's beauty and not because I can relate to it. Whew! Think I will do a cover of this song in the near future...... ;)
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Last Night's Worship
Frankly, I was not too sure how it went. For me, it was the first time I led worship without any chord sheet. I was kind of concerned for any "blank out" moments which I would need to lean back on the ipad (where my song sheets are compiled) but thankfully there were none. So I suppose it's the beginnings of my "playing by ear" journey.
It was a dilemma for me when I thought of asking for feedback from the life group facebook page. On one hand, I did not want to be fishing for compliments in an underhanded way. Yet, I did not want to be oblivious to any glaring problems which may have surfaced yet went away unnoticed. My focus is usually on trying to get things flowing and get mistakes to be minimal since any mistake can be a distraction.
So far there are two feedback and both were good. So I suppose it went well. Won't be doing too much worship leading this year. Think I'll be focusing on improving my chops on the various instruments I play. Guess I'll get to play more for the Sunday services, namely the Mandarin service. Somehow I feel more confident playing for them since the congregation's made up mainly of the elderly. To me they seem more forgiving towards poorer quality instrumentation. ;) Of course, I do hope in time to come to play for the English service. Hopefully, I'll be less stressed up then. It'll be nice to be able to worship God more fully on the instrument than being focused on not making mistakes. We'll see......
It was a dilemma for me when I thought of asking for feedback from the life group facebook page. On one hand, I did not want to be fishing for compliments in an underhanded way. Yet, I did not want to be oblivious to any glaring problems which may have surfaced yet went away unnoticed. My focus is usually on trying to get things flowing and get mistakes to be minimal since any mistake can be a distraction.
So far there are two feedback and both were good. So I suppose it went well. Won't be doing too much worship leading this year. Think I'll be focusing on improving my chops on the various instruments I play. Guess I'll get to play more for the Sunday services, namely the Mandarin service. Somehow I feel more confident playing for them since the congregation's made up mainly of the elderly. To me they seem more forgiving towards poorer quality instrumentation. ;) Of course, I do hope in time to come to play for the English service. Hopefully, I'll be less stressed up then. It'll be nice to be able to worship God more fully on the instrument than being focused on not making mistakes. We'll see......
Friday, March 9, 2012
Really Random Thoughts
Feeling decently well today. Survived the morning clinic. Managed to have lunch in time despite serving one of the busier doctors.
Feeling well physically. Wanna feel this way or better everyday.
Been waking earlier to spend time with God. More than half the time is spent trying to keep awake. Almost the rest of the time is spent dozing off. Hmmmm, what does that leave me with....... He appreciates. ;)
Leading worship tonight. Yipee. Can't wait...... for it to be over......
Attending Kingdom conference next week. Great. Time to soak in the healing anointing. ;) Something I so need......
Temptation's been strong yesterday. So real...... God, if You feel half as real, that would be great.
Aircon's down. Hopefully it'll be fixed today. Been perspiring a lot for the past few days. And no more monetary damages please.
Feeling well physically. Wanna feel this way or better everyday.
Been waking earlier to spend time with God. More than half the time is spent trying to keep awake. Almost the rest of the time is spent dozing off. Hmmmm, what does that leave me with....... He appreciates. ;)
Leading worship tonight. Yipee. Can't wait...... for it to be over......
Attending Kingdom conference next week. Great. Time to soak in the healing anointing. ;) Something I so need......
Temptation's been strong yesterday. So real...... God, if You feel half as real, that would be great.
Aircon's down. Hopefully it'll be fixed today. Been perspiring a lot for the past few days. And no more monetary damages please.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Divine Health And Healing
It started to dawn on me the need to believe God for divine health and healing of late when I realised my health was going down the tubes. Last year I chalked up my full entitlement of mcs and the year before I was only half day short. This year I took four days of medical leave in just the first two months. That sacred me somewhat. I used to blame it on stress till a major bulk of it was removed then I realised I have no more excuses left. Recently I even had MRI done for my stomach due to some symptoms I have been suffering from. Thank God the results were good. However, most of the symptoms have not abated. So I am sort of left hanging cos there's no "real" reason why I should have such symptoms.
I think the fact that I have been religiously taking health supps have added to the delusion of me being healthy as well. Now that I am left hanging without a diagnosis and just the possibility of taking a lifetime of drugs to alleviate my symptoms, I guess there's no other way to turn but up. Kind of funny how I only leave God to be the last resort when He always wants to be the first.
In any case, I have started on my quest of believing God for divine health and healing. Gonna spend more time meditating on healing verses and Psalm 91 as well......
4 Surely he took up our pain
and bore our suffering,
yet we considered him punished by God,
stricken by him, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53 (NIV)
I think the fact that I have been religiously taking health supps have added to the delusion of me being healthy as well. Now that I am left hanging without a diagnosis and just the possibility of taking a lifetime of drugs to alleviate my symptoms, I guess there's no other way to turn but up. Kind of funny how I only leave God to be the last resort when He always wants to be the first.
In any case, I have started on my quest of believing God for divine health and healing. Gonna spend more time meditating on healing verses and Psalm 91 as well......
4 Surely he took up our pain
and bore our suffering,
yet we considered him punished by God,
stricken by him, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53 (NIV)
Monday, March 5, 2012
From My Other Blog: You Of Little Faith
I received news about 2 new shifts that would allow me a pure 5 day
work week a couple of weeks ago. The specific shift I wanted happened to
be the 'hot' favourite. But I felt that it would be great since I would
not have to work Saturdays and risk it clashing with my back up
practice. Also I could plan any weekday for my music lessons without any
worries of it clashing with my night clinic. Only problem was that it
had to be assigned through balloting since a number of us were vying for
that same shift. So I prayed for the shift and I felt that I would get
it since it was in alignment with what God has for me. But I put my name
down for the other shift as well (though I did not like it as much)
just in case I did not get this one. :(
So the balloting day came, and true enough I got the shift I wanted. Praise God. Wish I trusted God a little more so that I did not put my name down for the other shift. Would have been more glorious I suppose......
So the balloting day came, and true enough I got the shift I wanted. Praise God. Wish I trusted God a little more so that I did not put my name down for the other shift. Would have been more glorious I suppose......
From My Other Blog: God Is Macro As Well As Micro
I was on my way to work today when this thought came to mind. 'God is a
macro, as well as micro God'. It amazed me when I realised that. We
sometimes catagorize people as macro when they see the bigger picture of
things. The micro people are the ones who look into the finer details
of things. Guess what? God is both! Just look at the vastness of the
heavens. Yet notice the details of the individual clouds. Only God can
be like that. He has the universe in His hand and yet He cares for each
individual on the face of the Earth. Isn't He amazing?
From My Other Blog: Interesting Interpretation
Just chanced upon a Pastor's paraphrase of Romans 12:2. Enjoy!
From My Other Blog: Me? God's Pleasure?
and a voice came out of heaven, “You are My beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased.” Luke 3:22 (NASB)
I was meditating on my train ride to work just now when this verse came to mind. God was declaring this to Jesus as he was being baptized. What struck me was the fact that Jesus had yet to start His ministry and had not even done His first miracle. Yet the affirmation came. For me, I figure the affirmation should come after Jesus had done something of worth to sort of 'earn' it. Isn't that the basic philosophy of most humans? But it seems like God sees things and does things very differently from we do.
Most will say to this: "sure, Jesus is the son of God." But aren't we believers children of God? Aren't we in Christ now? So could there be some remote possibility God feels the same way towards us. Even despite our inabilities and weaknesses? As much as I find it hard to fathom in my natural mind, I realise this to be true both by the word and experientially.
I was on the bus yesterday on my way to church when I saw a fellow mission friend at a bus stop. Apparently she was waiting for her bus. As I passed her, I felt that I wanted to pray for her. I have always respected her because she had given up a lot to be based in Thailand to do God's work there. So as I prayed, I felt God's pleasure towards her. It was very tangible. So when I was home I decided to leave her a message via facebook to tell her what I experienced. She later wrote back to tell me that she had a really tough week either since she returned or during her recent mission trip. This left a mark in me.
I really struggle with this truth but who am I to argue with God? So is God pleased with you today?
I was meditating on my train ride to work just now when this verse came to mind. God was declaring this to Jesus as he was being baptized. What struck me was the fact that Jesus had yet to start His ministry and had not even done His first miracle. Yet the affirmation came. For me, I figure the affirmation should come after Jesus had done something of worth to sort of 'earn' it. Isn't that the basic philosophy of most humans? But it seems like God sees things and does things very differently from we do.
Most will say to this: "sure, Jesus is the son of God." But aren't we believers children of God? Aren't we in Christ now? So could there be some remote possibility God feels the same way towards us. Even despite our inabilities and weaknesses? As much as I find it hard to fathom in my natural mind, I realise this to be true both by the word and experientially.
I was on the bus yesterday on my way to church when I saw a fellow mission friend at a bus stop. Apparently she was waiting for her bus. As I passed her, I felt that I wanted to pray for her. I have always respected her because she had given up a lot to be based in Thailand to do God's work there. So as I prayed, I felt God's pleasure towards her. It was very tangible. So when I was home I decided to leave her a message via facebook to tell her what I experienced. She later wrote back to tell me that she had a really tough week either since she returned or during her recent mission trip. This left a mark in me.
I really struggle with this truth but who am I to argue with God? So is God pleased with you today?
From my other blog: A New Chapter
In view of this new season and chapter in my life, I thought it was
appropriate to start a new blog. The previous blog contained a lot of my
heartaches and bad experiences so I felt it should be left behind as I
embark on this new journey for the rest of my life. So thanks for
visiting. Do bear with me as I attempt to sort things out. I really hope
this blog will not just be one purely about my experiences but one with
God in the picture. He has done such a big overhaul in my life and I am
really glad for it. I hope to share bits and pieces of it from this
It's nice to have people read my blog (my life) but it is my desire that in the midst of reading you'll also see and experience Jesus. I would not have been possible had Jesus not stepped in to my life and made a major revamp in it. I may not have been one of those who suffered suicidal tendencies, but life had certainly lost it's lustre and meaning. So living was really no different from not living. Or maybe it is more apt to say I was a living dead.
My former blog address is http://blogtojesus.blogspot.com but if you are one given to 'emo' tendencies, maybe you should just give it a miss. I still see a lot of God in it but you may not. Till next time......
Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead......
It's nice to have people read my blog (my life) but it is my desire that in the midst of reading you'll also see and experience Jesus. I would not have been possible had Jesus not stepped in to my life and made a major revamp in it. I may not have been one of those who suffered suicidal tendencies, but life had certainly lost it's lustre and meaning. So living was really no different from not living. Or maybe it is more apt to say I was a living dead.
My former blog address is http://blogtojesus.blogspot.com but if you are one given to 'emo' tendencies, maybe you should just give it a miss. I still see a lot of God in it but you may not. Till next time......
Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead......
I'm Back!
Yap, I know. I moved to another blog. But after all these months of hiatus, it dawned on me that even though I wanted to make a clean break from the past to so-called start things anew, it is the past that has made me what I am today. So, after much (okay, maybe not so much) consideration, I have decided to move back.
I know I have a lot of catching up to do in terms of updating since the past few months have been pretty eventful as well as meaningful. I hope to be able to restart the process again, though I am really busy of late. Have been trying to become more proficient with my musical instruments as well as pick up more skills (eg. perfect pitch, playing by ear,......) It's been tough but fun. I have never been so into music before. Hopefully I can keep up to my plans and get somewhere by the end of the year......
I know I have a lot of catching up to do in terms of updating since the past few months have been pretty eventful as well as meaningful. I hope to be able to restart the process again, though I am really busy of late. Have been trying to become more proficient with my musical instruments as well as pick up more skills (eg. perfect pitch, playing by ear,......) It's been tough but fun. I have never been so into music before. Hopefully I can keep up to my plans and get somewhere by the end of the year......
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