Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Caught this movie with Peiyuan last night. I was a little concerned cos the movie was gonna be close to two and a half hours long. If it was a boring show, that would have been the pits.
But the movie turned out to be decently good and watching it on a Monday evening certainly made it more worth it. I liked the way certain parts of the movie carried a fair bit of humour. That made it more light and entertaining.
I suppose from the pic above you sort of know what the show is pretty much about. For those of you who still don't get it, it's about gangsterism in a place in Taiwan called 'Monga'.
Guess the director of the movie was trying to convey the message that gangsterism is bad. But as my subconscious habit of deriving life lessons from what I watch kicked in, I realised a number of things......
1) As one of the lead actors in the show concluded as he was dying, he never quite understood what the fighting (which they, as gangsters did a lot of) was all about. I think I am like that as well. Many things I do in life, I never quite understood why I did them. Peer pressure, trying to look impressive, etc...... Whatever the reason, I never really sat down to consider my intentions of doing certain things. I suppose there are things we just need to do for practical reasons, but I believe that if I spent a little more time on why I do what I do, I would not have wasted so much time and money on things which don't really matter at all. Food for thought.
2) The same actor also gave the reason of being treated and taken care of like a brother (which the gangsters then were known for) that he joined the group. I guess we all want to belong and be loved. And that craving can lead us to do things we know ain't right. I can well relate to that. Guess we need to search for love in the right places.
Okie. These are my thoughts so far for this movie. Think it's definitely worth a watch if you do not mind the vulgarities and occasional 'bloody' scenes. Would give it a 4 star rating out of five.
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Thanks Jo for the review, I was still thinking if I should watch it. After reading your review, I will go watch it this Sat^_^ Cheers!!
P.s. Love your blog^_^
thanks Audrey ;)