Today was a pretty good day for me. My duty in church went pretty well. Was doing my rounds at the sound console and nothing major happened! Whew. Did my duty with Macus and we got to chat a little and slacked a little as well. Thank God my boss (ministry leader) was not around. :)
After duty I joined the youths for lunch and met up with my colleague for the movie 'up'. Must admit that I was not too interested to watch it at first. Seemed pretty boring and kiddish to me. But I must say that I quite enjoyed the show quite a lot. Other than for the fact that there was a moronic kid sitting a couple of seats away who was giving most of the scenes away but talking loudly about what would happen next. Like anyone was interested in listening to him. Moron! Oh and there was a kid sitting right behind me who was kicking the chair I was resting on. Dumbass. Sometimes I wonder who should be punished, the kid or the mum who only knew to verbally tell her 'NO' while she was still constantly kicking the chair. I suppose the mum's a dumbass as well. Oh well, back to the point that the movie was quite enjoyable. The only reason I watched it was that I promised my colleague that we would watch it together. Okay, no regrets.
After the movie we had dinner at Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe at Yishun, both hers and my favorite cafe. It was quite a good time. Sort of expected her to bring up the topic about my rebellion against God. And I was right, she did bring it up. And nope I was not angry or whatsoever. In fact I respected her for that. I think it really takes love and courage to tell a person straight in the face what you know they need to hear though you know that may well be the last thing they want to hear.
I thank God for friends in my life like SL (the babe on the left). With people like that praying for me and watching over me, I don't think God will let me rebel for long. Think He will drag me out of it if He has to when friends like that keep interceding for me. SL was really nice. Knowing bout my thing with J, she took over my duties at a clinic just next to J's block so that I will not be reminded of J whenever I am there. Only problem is that I think of J whether I am there or not! LOL. But her gestures have really touched my heart. Friends like that are really hard to come by. Thanks SL, I love you......
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